PRCSD Superintendent Alan Lumpkin leaving for Scott County School District
The Scott County School District School Board of Education has voted unanimously to hire Alan Lumpkin as the new superintendent of schools, effective July 1, 2022. . Mr. Lumpkin has been serving as Superintendent of the Pearl River County School District since November 2011.

Lumpkin has served in public education for the past 26 years in the capacity of teacher, coach, and administrator. He is the current President of the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents and has served on the executive board for the past 2 years. Mr. Lumpkin holds a National Superintendent Certification from the American Association of School Administrators and is a member of the Mississippi Association of School Administrators. He also serves on the Pearl River Community College Board of Trustees where he served as President in 2016 and 2017.
In a statement released, Lumpkin stated:
“I have come to a crossroads in my professional career as I have been offered the opportunity to serve as superintendent for another school district in Mississippi. After much prayer, consideration, and the blessing of the PRCSD School Board, I will be accepting the position. I will be resigning as superintendent for PRCSD on June 30, 2022”.
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