County concerned about road equipment theft and vandalism
The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors are trying to curtail theft and vandalism on county equipment when the equipment is left at staging areas while being used on road related projects.

Charlie Schielder (standing) discusses theft and vandalism with Board of Supervisors
Mr. Holliday asked the public for their help as well by reporting any suspicious activity around county equipment by calling the Sheriff’s office with any information they may have.
The board received a request from Pearl River County Road Manager, Charlie Schielder, for funding to purchase a new trailer capable of transporting some of their smaller road equipment. Schielder explained that this trailer would allow for base crews to speedily patch problem areas on roads that did not require a full road maintenance crew. The board approved the purchase of the trailer.
The Supervisors also asked Schielder to get quotes for a new single axle truck capable of pulling the new trailer. This combination of the trailer and a truck would create a small, fast, option to keep crews running due to the numerous roads in the county that need minor, but immediate attention. The cost of the new trailer will be approximately $5,700.00 according to Schielder's preliminary estimate.