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PRCC’s Dr. William Lewis Honors Institute Elects 2018 Officers

POPLARVILLE – The Pearl River Community College Dr. William Lewis Honors Institute - Poplarville campus has elected the following 2018 officers:

Photo by: Aleea Burge, PRCC Marketing Specialist

(from left to right, seated) Freshman Representative Alyssa Necaise of Kiln, Vice President Sydni Crain of Poplarville, President Caitlin Sumrall of Poplarville, Freshman Representative Gabrielle Lewis of Poplarville,

(standing) Sophomore Representative Tyler Denney of Carriere, Freshman Representative Reece Necaise of Kiln, Freshman Representative Gabriella Voss of Picayune, and Sophomore Representative Brycen Scott of Lucedale. Not pictured is Sophomore Representative Zachary Rice of Picayune.

PRCC congratulates these new officers and looks forward to what they have in store for the year!

Photo by: Aleea Burge, PRCC Marketing Specialist


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