PRCC Offers Local Businesses Recruitment Opportunity
Pearl River Community College has recently made it available for local businesses to post job opportunities to a student accessible portal called Career Coach on PRCC’s website.
PRCC has been using Career coach since it was grant funded in 2012 to allow students the tools to learn about potential majors and career options, as well as build their resumes. Students will now also be able to make those resumes accessible to potential employers and apply for jobs in one convenient place.
PRCC is proud of their current ability to place students straight into full time jobs, especially as they leave career and technical programs. This new tool is only going to make that easier. Local businesses will now have direct access to the hiring pool of PRCC’s students. One local business has already been approved to post a position on the site.
“Company benefits include direct exposure to those seeking employment in a particular field of work, an increased pipeline of potential workers, access to student resumes, and savings of time and money by reducing necessary recruitment efforts for new employees,” said Tina Coleman, Career and Technical Student Services Coordinator. “It’s important that we build our relationships with local businesses and this is just one way to do that.”
Businesses that are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity should contact Tina Coleman for more information at 601-403-1105 or 601-403-1255.