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City holds Crosby Commons ribbon cutting

The City of Picayune held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday for Crosby Commons park to commemorate the completion of Phase II which included the lighting around the walking track, landscaping, sitting areas with benches, decorative brick columns, bathrooms, and a covered stage.

Southern District Transportation Commissioner Tom King told those in attendance “As you look around folks, this is a beautiful, beautiful park, and it takes a lot of people working together to accomplish what you see here today. As the Transportation Commissioner, I am very proud to be a part of this team.”

Tom King (left) and Mayor Ed Pinero

King reminded the audience that this project was part of a Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grant with a total cost of $956,000.00 with the City of Picayune responsible for $270,000 of that cost. King told the crowd to “look around and see what you got in this amazing park that will be here for many years to come.”

King received a laugh from the crowd gathered when he said “the TAP was federal money, it was gladly received, and if I didn’t take it, Louisiana would.”

Clyde Dease, President of the Lower Pearl River Valley Foundation (LPRVF), “This goes to show you what a community can do when it decides to fight for the same cause, and our cause here today is to provide something for the citizens of our community and surrounding area that will pay huge dividends for the citizens and the community for years to come.”

Dease also shared, “I always say to develop anything, you need at least two things: you need a unified vision of where you want to go. And you need collectively a group of people to work together to take you to that vision.”

Dease said the City Council, the mayor, and the city manager had that vision and LPRVF was able to have the seed money to allow this project to move forward and obtain the TAP funding.

Clyde Dease (at podium) addresses the crowd at Crosby Commons

In closing the speaking portion of the program, Mayor Ed Pinero recognized those people who donated money to the park:

-Donations of Lacebark Elm trees: Gloria Travis, Stephen Tooke, Marilyn and Wayne Gouguet.

-Donations of Willow Oak trees: Jeremy Spiers, Mark Thorman, Pamela Brown, Randy Watts.

-Donations of Red Maple trees: Janet Guidry, Kay Miller, Debbie Carter, Danielle Lauga.

-Donations of 4 ft Bay Bench: J.P. Burns, Verna LaMunyon, Steve McDonald

-Donations of 9 ft Serpentine Branch: Gloria Travis, Dennis Pitts, Lisa Persick, Claiborne “Buddy” McDonald, Suzan Wilson and Lynne Stockstill, Thaddeus Holbrook, Melrose French, Edward Pinero, Sr., Doris Cudd

-Donation of Octagonal Picnic Table: Jonathan Clay and Jo Bilbo.


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