Senator Hill not giving up on Buddy's Law
The law, authored by Senator Angela Hill (R-Picayune), that could both protect animals like him and help troubled children has failed in the House.
“I’m not really sure why ‘Buddy’s Law’ died in the House. I tried to ask the chairman, tried to ask the speaker as to what the problem was,” said Hill.
Hill's bill would have required psychological evaluations, counseling, and/or treatments for children who torture domesticated cats and dogs.
However, earlier this week, the bill failed to be taken up in the House. Senator Hill said she believes the bill failed due to others’ political goals.
Hill stated, “Sometimes there’s bills that they want to come out the other chamber and good bills are held hostage or killed. I would just encourage members to read their oath of office, because your oath of office says that you don’t trade one bill for another,” Sen. Hill said.
“There are a lot of people across the state that wanted to see Buddy’s Law passed. And I’ll keep going with it,” Hill said.
Hill said she isn’t giving up on Buddy just yet and will be working on either trying to fit the “Buddy’s Law” into another bill or improve it for next legislative session.