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Picayune School District releases return to school plan

The Picayune School Board has released its return to school plan for the 2020-2021 school at the conclusion of Tuesday’s meeting of the board of trustees. The plan, as stated in its opening paragraph, is subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances, executive order, and local ordinances related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

L-R: Board members: Frank Ford, David Mooneyhan, and Superintendent Dean Shaw

At the conclusion of the meeting, board member David Mooneyhan stated the plan has to be able to allow the district to be able to respond to changes and the challenges of COVID-19.

"As things stand today, everything is fluid. We feel like our plan is a good one and we also want everyone to understand that things change daily and we will adapt as needed," he said.

The plan states that the district will take a traditional format with a shortened schedule of 30 minutes daily where students present will be in an environment as close to normal as possible while following federal, state, and local guidelines related to COVID-19. Students will return to school on August 6th. Teachers will return on August 3rd.

Distance learning options may be available for students who qualify for services due to a documented medical diagnosis from a qualified medical provider. School administrators will work with parents on a case-by-case basis to meet the learning needs of all students. If a student does not physically attend school, he/she will not be able to participate in sports or other extra-curricular activities.

Buses will operate on a regular schedule with an emphasis on safety and cleanliness. However, parents are encouraged to find other means of transportation whenever possible. Students are strongly encouraged to wear mask, but they are optional. At this time, students or staff will not be required to wear a mask. However, it is strongly encouraged, especially when social distancing cannot be exercised, such as on school buses, changing classes, etc.

Breakfast and lunch will be served daily. Some meals may be served in the classroom or another designated location.

Classrooms will be arranged in such a way as to allow students to spread out as much as possible. Each class may be configured based on the size, function, and grade level. Activities that require extended contact with large groups will be limited. Transitions and class changes may be staggered to limit student contact in hallways.

School nurses will monitor all students. Students, who have a fever of 100.4 or other symptoms, will be isolated and the parent will be notified. Students should be picked up immediately. PSD request that parents monitor their children closely before sending them to school.

To view the entire plan, Click Here



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