E-911 informational meeting set for March 10th
Carolyn Nelson, E-911 Coordinator for Pearl River County, has announced a meeting to educate the residents of the county on the procedures of how Pearl River County assigns addresses as well as how and why they are placed on the county road map.
“For a little more than two and a half years, the E 911 department has been consistently striving to ensure that all addresses in Pearl River County are correct. We can do this, even more efficiently, if we have other members of the community on the lookout, ” Nelson stated.
At the meeting, Nelson said that addressing policies within the county which will include how the county assigns an address, the proper way to display an address, and how the utility authorities make the E-911 office aware of new resident.
Nelson added that Deborah Benoit will be present to talk about lock boxes. What are lockboxes?
Nelson invites everyone to come to the meeting to find out!
WHO: E 911 Addressing/Permitting Office
WHAT: Addressing/Lock Box Meeting
WHEN: March 10, 2020 at 9:30 A.M.
WHERE: 917 Goodyear Blvd, Picayune, MS (County office building, 2nd floor, large conference room)