Dedication of Kid's Kingdom held at Friendship Park
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on Monday to dedicate the work being done at Kids Kingdom at Friendship Park. Mayor Jim Luke spoke of the importance of the occasion and took the time to thank the many, who’s hard work and donations made the playground possible for todays and future generations to come.

Kid’s Kingdom will have cost approximately $600,000 when completed, and most of that money came from grants, generous donors, and fund raisers held in the recent past. More improvements to the park as a whole are planned in the very near future and will consist of new tennis courts, soccer fields, restrooms, and parking.

Dignitaries including Senator Angela Hill and State Representative Stacy Wilkes were in attendance and Mayor Jim Luke thanked them for all their help at the state level to get this project funded. Equipment for Kids Kingdom is on site and its construction is being done as we speak to get this part of the project done and ready for families to enjoy.