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St Tammany Parish launches "Open Government" online portal

St. Tammany Parish recently launched what it called "Open Government," — an online portal it said is "designed to increase convenience and openness, provide more comprehensive budgetary information, and make the parish’s website even easier to use."

Click the link to access the portal

St. Tammany Parish President Pat Brister said Open Government provides all the information people can find on separate departmental pages, such as the parish budget, the bidding process and public meetings. But the portal also offers newer conveniences, such as a listing of parish government's monthly expenses, she said.

"(Open Government gathers information) and it's located on one, easily accessible and user-friendly page. We hope everyone takes this opportunity to get plugged in to parish government.”

The Open Government portal also can be found under the heading "Initiatives" on the parish website, A link to a video explanation of the page is located there.

Questions about the page can be sent to


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