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National Day of Prayer observed locally

Over 175 people from across the county gathered yesterday at The Link at First Baptist Church of Picayune to participate in the National Day of Prayer at the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast.

Mayor Ed Pinero stated, “It is a time for us to come together, humble ourselves and unify ourselves in prayer for the next great movement of God in America.”

Guest pastor Carey Robertson told those at the prayer gathering that the ultimate answer to our needs in our country is prayer.

Robertson said, “This country was founded on the principles in the bible and I believe that is what will take us through.”

Robertson, using a parable from the bible, stated, “We should always pray. If we don’t pray, we will lose faith, lose heart, and lose confidence. Prayer does make a difference.”

Robertson said we live in some frustrating times in our country right now, but he encouraged those gathered to keep their faith because as stated in God’s word, “In the end, we win.”

At the conclusion of the service, Reverend Allen Hickman asked all election officials and those seeking offices to gather in front of the audience.

Hickman led the group in prayer asking them to "put all anger, hatred, and bitterness go away and God’s grace be upon them".


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