Supervisors make appointments; hear bridge updates
At Monday’s meeting of the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors, County Engineer Les Dungan gave the board an update on bids received and planning that is in progress and made two re-appointments and a new appointment.
The county received three bids on the bridge on Shenandoah Road and Dungan recommended the board approve a request to accept the lowest bid from Fred Fayard, LLC of Vancleave in the amount of $ 180,909.72

The bid was in line with Dungan’s estimate for the project of $174,884.00. Dungan told the board that he wasn’t familiar with the contractor, but after looking into the company, he found out that Gary Hanning, who has built many bridges in Pearl River County will be doing the work for the bidder/contractor. Cain has built the bridges on Progress Silver Run Road, Savannah Millard, and Rock Ranch Road The board approved the bid. Dungan said the work, according to the contractor, should begin in January.
Dungan (pictured) reminded the board that House Bill 1, which passed during the emergency session of the legislature earlier this year, has $250 million available in emergency funding for bridge rehabilitation and other projects that are shovel ready (stage where workers can be employed and construction can begin). He told the board that the deadline to apply is Dec 14th. Dungan suggested the county submit four requests (in order of priority) for the funding program:
1- Progress Silver Run Road (replacement of two bridges),
2-McNeill Steephollow Road (bridge that was closed and now has a tank car culvert in place),
3-McNeill McHenry (a relief bridge supported by timber pilings), and
4- Troy Dedeaux Road (dead end road with no current funding plan in place).
A motion was made and approved to submit the four projects.
The supervisors approved checks to pay poll workers for the recent election in the amount of $26,640.25.
The board reappointed Mrs. Teenia Perry and Dr. Gale Harris to serve on the Pearl River Community College Board of Trustees.

The board approved appointing Patrick Lee to represent the county on the South Mississippi Planning and Development District (SMPDD) as a private sector representative on the board of directors. Lee would need approval from SMPDD to serve on the board.
The board also announced it had received word that the Pearl River County Hospital retained its designation as a Critical Access hospital for the next four years.