NASA Space Flight Awareness Program Recognizes Stennis Employee LaVigne
NASA’s Stennis Space Center employee Dwayne LaVigne (second from left) of Picayune, Mississippi, is presented a NASA Space Flight Awareness Honoree award Aug. 16. He is joined by astronaut Steve Bowen (l to r), daughter Maggie, astronaut Nicole Mann, and NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Policy & Plans, Human Explorations and Operations Mission Directorate Greg Williams. Photo by NASA
Stennis Space Center employee Dwayne LaVigne of Picayune, Mississippi, was recognized Aug. 16 by NASA’s Space Flight Awareness Program with an Honoree Award for outstanding support of human spaceflight. LaVigne is a complex controls engineer with Syncom Space Services at Stennis.
Greg Williams, NASA deputy associate administrator for Policy & Plans, Human Explorations and Operations Mission Directorate, along with astronauts Steve Bowen and Nicole Mann, presented the Honoree Awards during a ceremony in Orlando, Florida. LaVigne was recognized for his dedication and tireless efforts towards problem resolution.
In recognition of such flight program contributions, LaVigne traveled to Florida to tour Kennedy Space Center facilities and attend the Aug. 18 launch of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS-M). TDRS-M is a replenishment satellite for NASA’s Space Network. The network of TDRS satellites transmits data to and from g