Officers make drug arrest on I-59

Hersey Dewayne Craddock
On August 9th at 12:46am, a Picayune Police officer stopped a gray 2004 Dodge Stratus for no license plate while the vehicle was traveling on I-59 Southbound near Exit 1, Nicholson, according to Assistant Chief Jeremy Magri.
The officer identified the driver as Timothy Harris, Jr, age 37, of 22 Shorty Burgess Road, Nicholson, and the passenger as Hersey Dwayne Craddock, age 44, of 815 Ceasar Road, Picayune.
The officer noticed that both Harris and Craddock appeared to be startled when he approached them. While speaking with Harris, the officer noticed Craddock made several furtive movements as if he was trying to conceal something while sitting in the car.
The officer called for backup and the second officer arrived on the scene. Harris was unable to provide a driver license and proof of insurance. A check with NCIC showed that Harris was ‘unlicensed’ and he was taken into custody for no tag, no license, and no insurance.
While Craddock was exiting the passenger side of the vehicle, officers noticed he was reaching for his waist line. Officers ordered Craddock to place his hands on the car so the officers could perform a pat-down. As the officer tried to do the pat-down, Craddock reached for his waist line again and the officer then reached for his handcuffs and the officer had to push Craddock against the car to get control of him. When Craddock was being secured against the car by the officer, he again reached for his waist line and a clear plastic baggie containing a crystal like substance believed to be crystal meth, fell from Craddocks’ pants to the ground. Craddock was taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance (felony).
Both suspects were transported to the Criminal Justice Center and booked on the stated charges Magri stated.